Platform update: Document expiry notifications and easy uploads

At Idenfo Direct we’ve made managing document validity easy for you. Our platform now proactively notifies customers when their uploaded documents are nearing expiry, ensuring you stay compliant without any hassle.

How it works:

  1. Expiry notifications: Customers will receive timely notifications when their documents are approaching their expiry date or have expired. This ensures they have ample time to prepare and upload new, valid documents.
  2. Simple upload process: Customers can easily upload their updated documents through our user-friendly interface, keeping their profiles up-to-date.
  3. Review by admins: Once the updated documents are uploaded, users of Idenfo Direct, such as companies or admins, can review the new documents to ensure everything is in order. This streamlined process allows for quick verification and maintains compliance with regulatory requirements.

Stay compliant and efficient with Idenfo Direct’s new document expiry notification and upload feature. This feature is designed to save time and keep your operations running smoothly.

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